Monday, February 6, 2012

Success in the making.......

 Keep your eye on the weather rock.

I was whining about how I had downloaded the free Picasa 3 program and could not get it to work.  I store all my photos on Picasa and have known about their program with collage and editing capabilities.  I really was curious as I already had Photoshop CS3 and have used it for years and it could do what I wanted. The Picasa 3 is an independent program not on the same site as the Picasa storage system.

I was being lazy though as I though it would be great to have a quicker way to tile, mosaic, or collage photos without a lot of work.  The program will do it, if you want to relearn an all new process with commands that are alien to  most graphic design progams.  My best success was figuring out how to get to the tutorial and learn about it. Asking it for help was the key to my future with the program.

My biggest barrier was the way they named their commands.  In one location among the groups of photos in your photo you  need to hit Create a Collage.  Once you are done you hit a command on the opposite side of the screen among the settings that is called Create Collage. That seems simple and yet if you are learning it you think why create one when  have created one?  Why they didn't use the wording like Save Created Work, or Save I don't know. 

Anyway, below are two other things that I created on a whim.  Artistic they are not, just a result of some fooling around with the program.

Somehow the program accidentally pulled pictures that I had sitting on the desktop and threw them into a file for me.  I was able to create a grouping with no theme in a pretty quick manner.  You click on each photo and it allows you to twist it around and also to  enlarge it. The of course move it around on the screen. You can select a background for it by just clicking your selection.

Another feature that is nice is the ability to take of group of your photos in one file and turn it into a design like this.  As you can see I had duplicate photos in the folder.  If I wanted to I could select the extras out of there and put them in limbo.  I also can change the color of the grid spacings and the size of them.

I know some of you already have a handle on this program but I guess I had to prove to myself that I could explain this program.  I don't like having to create a folder of pictures each time to put into the program but I can get use to it.  It does let me search for more photos but that seems to ga an awkward process. I guess I will figured it out.

A final photo for today of the snow that was.  We are still coated and are adjusting to seeing snow that we haven't seen all winter.  It is white and it is bright and that is what it is suppose to be.

I am sitting with an English student teacher today.  She has not been in complete control before now so this is her day.  I told her that I wouldn't abandon her but she is the boss today.  If she needs help, I will be there, but she is going to make all of the decisions today.  I know she is capable as she has been here over a month now and has been teaching most of them with someone hovering.  I told her I wasn't going to judge or hover, that I would just be with her.

Thanks for stopping by for a visit.  It is Monday and I will be glad in that.


  1. I get easily frustrated trying to learn new programs. Looks like you have a pretty good handle on how to use the Picasa editing.

  2. I have no knowledge at all about photo programs! I think you are doing great and I love the mosaic of the violets!

    The snow is pretty and the weather rock makes me smile!

    I know you'll be glad to get in out of the cold this evening.

  3. your snow looks so fluffy - i wouldn't mind a couple of days of it - it's rare here.

  4. You sure have snow! Looks like you have that program all figured out..older people can learn stuff too! :)
