Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Winter Images.............

The wet snow clung to the fence like frosting creating a great design.

The lilac with it's long branches creates a great line design against the white snow.

The burning bush is not burning with red today.

A tall evergreen tree overshadows the smaller pine that is coated with wet snow.

I bought them on a sale many years ago for six bucks. I only wear them a few times a year during the snow clearing season.  Barney thinks that I am going to walk him when I put on these shoes  as I use to walk him in early mornings in deep snow.

 I was met at the door today with a frantic Principal who needed a portable lab fixed.  They didn't have Firefox on the 30 computers and the visiting group of teachers must have it.  The head tech guy followed me into the room a few minutes later and we quickly resolved the situation.  
I am a librarian today and that will be fine for me.  I don't know how to check out books but mostly it is just a study hall monitoring job.

We had pizza and Pepsi last night with my brother Ron and his wife Julie, down in Osceola.  Her father is not well.  We were looking at a couple and listening to a couple that reminded of us ourselves the last year that Della's father was alive.  My brother's father in law is on his last days and the other family members are too busy to help out.  So they don't have any idea when they will return to their Arizona home.  They liked seeing it snow but are getting tired of the cold.

Thanks for stopping by to my post today.


  1. Gorgeous snow pics, Larry. And I love the red barn peeking through the black-n-white branches. We've had very little snow this year compared to last and it just doesn't really seem like winter without it.

    Nice find on the boots. :-D

  2. Or is that a flag I'm seeing behind that tree?

  3. It sounds like a busy day for you.
    Your snow is beautiful but like the Arizone couple so cold. Here in Arkansas we are having spring like weather.

  4. The red behind the tree is a flag on a flag pole. One is an American flag and the other which has a lot of red on it is for the memory of the man who served in the service and has now passed away a few years ago.

  5. Pretty snow you have there Larry! A librarian wonderful! You are multi-talented.
    It is good that you get to visit with your brother..but their situation is sad...last days are so hard:(

  6. I just love your snow pictures, and there seems to be plenty of it !
    We've only had snow flurries this Winter, one time !
    I like your boots, you should wear them more often :)

  7. In Northwest Arkansas, there has only been 1 light dusting of snow this year. These pictures of snow are so beautiful. If we have to be cold, I want SNOW!!!! Thank you for sharing the fluffy-white-beauty in your area.
