Thursday, February 9, 2012

Thursday's Things..........

I was torn over the weekend between working on the blog, watching the birds at the feeder, or looking at the newest magazine.  I had coffee and watched the birds  and still haven't opened the magazine.

Last Saturday the Austrian pine was coated well with snow.  It is all off of the tree now but we haven't had thawing temperatures since Sunday.

We have mourning doves and we also have the Eurasian collared dove.  I researched this bird on the net and learned a lot about them.  The Eurasian collared dove was introduced to the Bahamas in 1970's and by 1980's it had made it to Florida.  Today it has colonized the entire United States.  I found a Ringed Neck dove in Africa and I wonder if that is where it came from originally.

The bird experts call it a chunky cousin to the mourning dove as it is much larger than the mourning dove.  I see in one bird book that they call our mourning dove a ground dove. The mourning dove frightens easily and these larger ones seem more placid and are less apt to fly off when the dogs are outside.

It is cold today.  When we started our day it was 17 degrees F., -8 C.  We are to warm up to 32 degrees today but it is predicted that we will be colder by the weekend.
I am tech man for three periods today and then I will be working with a student teacher in high school math the rest of the day.

Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. We have a pair of the Eurasian doves that come by but not every day. The morning doves never miss a meal.
    The Bennie likes the Panera coffee to, I wish I could buy a basket filled with their bread and eat it all every loaf they have looks so good.

  2. John gets a gardening magazine once a quarter and always enjoys the new issues.
    That little pine looks like a cake with icing! Very pretty.
    I enjoy your birds and the info you share about them. We have up two new birdhouses and are waiting to see "who" moves in.
    Hope you day goes smoothly.

  3. I like your new header photo. The snow coating with the pop of color from the handle. Very nice.
