Friday, February 10, 2012

Looking back.....memories

An archived photo with an different view of my shelves at school back when I was a visual arts instructor.  The saw blade was given to me as a surface for a painting.  I am sure the guy wanted a free painting from me but that didn't happen.

I really don't remember the last time that I have been to the north shore of Lake Superior.  Whenever it was, I took this photo from a distance of two brothers.  They were having a great time throwing rocks into the lake.  I was reminded of me and my brother when I was young. I was a constant shadow in the younger years.  These two boys are probably in middle school by now but the image is a great story of two boys at the shore.

The Iowa State Fair seems to be a long time away but they are already advertising the grandstand acts that are coming to the fair this summer.  The gourds were being judge and this plate full did not win a ribbon.

It is 12 degrees this morning and I am reminded that we haven't been to the Botanical Center for a couple of years.  If it wasn't too cold to get out and go, it would be nice to visit it to see and feel the tropical weather inside the dome of glass. The koi ponds are always fun to see as the fish have grown up to be full size.

I am dragging to school this morning as it has been a long week.  I seem to be having to many diverse experiences in the day when I am a floater employee.  I find myself dealing with website work in the morning and in the high school classroom in the afternoon with a student teacher and visiting college advisor.  The students have had too many subs, student teachers, and outsiders coming into the classroom that they are not very cooperative anymore.

I think I will be floating again this day. It is good that Friday is here and there will be a couple of days off for a change in life.

Thanks for stopping by my blog today.


  1. I think it would be hard not knowing what lies ahead in your teaching day. You are probably well adapted to it though. I am sure you do an excellent job as a sub.

  2. 12 degrees and being a floater does not make for a happy day. Your looking back memories were lovely to see and think about as you made this day.

  3. Brrrr, Larry, it's darn cold in Oiwa. We may get rain and even a few flurries here on the VA eastern shore, but only into the 20s and not the teens. Stay warm!

  4. Wonderful variety of pics today, Larry. I remember taking Karen's children to the lake when they were young; they loved to throw rocks too. They are in their 30's now!
    Our Spring like weather has come to an end. Looks like a dreary, cold weekend. We were hoping the yardman would get sod laid where we replaced the water line but it may be too cold. Enjoy the weekend.
