Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Tuesday's Trivial Things........

This is one of wild fowl collection  figurine that expresses a mother's concern for her two young.

A small hand painted plate that we picked up at an antique mall.  It is handpainted with two robins sitting on a branch.  The carved openings on the plate and the glaze are wonderful.  I am sure we picked it up for a dollar or less. It is such a real  example piece of American craft.

And B J Miller painted it. I doubt I could ever find the artist on the net but I probably will look.  One of my former art students does china painting. She sells works from small items to painted toilets and sinks.  She ships all over the US.

Giving you a peek of the progress of the violet slips that I planted a week and a half ago.  They are still standing and not one has rotted.  The plastic helps create a greenhouse effect that keeps things from drying out to quickly.

I am an all day librarian for the middle school-high school. It is very quiet work and I spend more time checking out computers than anything else.

I had ice on my windshield this morning but it was minor.  I think the worst part of the storm is staying north of us.  I see Duluth, Minnesota is predicted to have 10 to 15 inches of snow.  We may be too warm for snow and just get the needed rain.

Thanks for stopping by my blog today. 


  1. The violets are doing great!

    I especially love the bluebird plate you have shared.

    Hope your day remains quiet and calm!

  2. Your cuttings are looking good. We are supposed to get dumped on..we have nine inches on the snow stick now..and another storm headed in:(
