Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Wednesday's Wishful Thinking......

Using my 40% coupon at Hobby Lobby I bought a new set of color for my life. As I get older and keep graying and aging, I think I need some new color.

I started an acrylic painting early in the year while in the art room sub teaching.  I used up most of my acrylic paints when we painted the mural a couple of years ago so it was time to get set up again with some basics.  I normally would not buy just pure pigment colors but I can mix these into many different colors. The price was more than just right.

It is my goal to start painting a series of paintings based on this one painting.  I want to use the same compositional ideas and to develop a few new different paintings.

I am supervising a student teacher and also teaching history next door.  It will be a busy day.
Thanks for stopping by my post.


  1. Nice colors. Have fun creating some pretty pictures.

  2. I should have read this post first! I see now what you are planning! Hope you day goes by fast.

  3. I wish I'm also blessed with some art skills. Good luck with the new project!

  4. My oils have been in an ice cream pail a long time I wonder if they are still good..I have many other projects calling my name at the moment. there is a great subject to teach! Have a good day Larry:)
