Friday, March 23, 2012

Friday's Flowers..........

The daffodils are recovering from all the rain. I have one rose bush on the south side of the house that is growing like it is late April.  I didn't lose a single rose this year.  The New England bluebells are going to be open soon. The hyacinth is actually in bloom now but I have to show you the earlier photo first.

Thanks for stopping by today...........


  1. Spring is early all around the country, it seems! Glad you did not lose any roses this year.

  2. Love your daffs. They shout spring and joy.

    Glad you didn't lose any roses over the winter.

    Happy Spring Gardening & Happy Birthday. (You mentioned it was soon.)


  3. It's beautiful, so beautiful !
    Many thanks, Larry, you're great !

  4. Just so lovely.
    Daffodils are such happy little flowers, and so full of sunshine :)
    All of your flowers are doing so well, I'm afriad ours will be spent come Summertime, the weather is so warm !

  5. Happy Spring!! a-choo!
    Your daffodillies are so cute and happy. they are certainly a welcome sight! Isn't it great to get out in the garden and have a look at how everything managed the winter. This year in Northern Virginia we had a super mild winter. Some very cold days but not much for snow.

    I hope you have a lovely week-end frolicking in the garden. We will have a lot of rain and oldest daughter is bringing over the wedding invitations. we will get to help her put them together and get them mailed out :3 heehee :3

    :3 <--- sideways kitty muzzle and eyes
