Thursday, March 22, 2012

Thursday's Things...............

A different kind of magnolia that is at the school where I work.  The rain has already made the flowers to be too soggy to be able to photograph them up close. I will try to get over to my neighbors when it lightens up and take photos of their magnolia tree. 

I spent a couple of hours helping a neighbor thin out her hybrid iris and this is on of my freebies.  I don't know if I will get blooms this  year but I will wait and see.

My genetically changed daffodil continues to be a mystery to me.  I have these planted in a couple of different places and I don't understand how they could change from the original daffodil shape.

Two years ago a co worker at school brought a huge bag of iris rhizomes to work. She had cleared a bed of lavender and violet iris and was giving them away to anyone who would take them.  Three of us divided them and I planted mine in a large circular area. I figured that I could move them once I could see what color that they were.  They look very promising as to being able to bloom this year.

I bought a cheap set of cherry bushes out of one of those catalogs that sell such things.  When they produce, there are thousands of little cherries on the branches.  The problem is that they are more seed than cherry pulp.  So when they do produce, I run them through a sieve and extract the juice.  They make a wonderful cherry jelly.  I takes hours to pick them but the jelly is wonderful

Even though this rose bush has survived a huge transplant and even though it has come up two years in a row, I am pleased to see it branching out leaves for the summer.  It just reminded me that I have an old rose in the basement in a bucket that I need to get into the ground.  Maybe tomorrow I can do that if it ever stops raining.

I have a lot of things to do this morning but we are aiming to head to a bookstore sometime this afternoon.  I will be going back to work on Monday and we both have been under the weather enough that we have just stayed home so far this spring break.

I hope you all have a good day.  Thanks for stopping by my post.


  1. Hope you feel better only a few more days off! Have fun at the book store! :)

  2. Sorry to hear you've been under the weather. I enjoyed seeing the different flowers/trees in your post. I hope the iris will bloom this year for you.
