Wednesday, March 7, 2012

More making of collages.......

I know this is not my Sepia Saturday blog.  I just wanted to show you the fun I am having creating collages.  Others blogging friends have made them for years but I have just recently figured out the program Picasa 3.

I think the program could be designed to be a little bit more user friendly but I am tolerating that flaw.  I do think it is inconvenient to get all the pictures into a folder before I start.  I have a lot of files of other stuff that I don't want there, as the program actually pulls off of your desktop every photo that is on it.

Here is a second one that I made just for fun.  The toys and flowers really don't stay on any theme but the visuals seem to work well together. I do have photoshop C3 and I could probably do a better job using it.  I can use it when I want to make a more artistic work.  But time is a consideration and this free download really can speed up the process.

We are warm today and yet it is to cool down to  50 degrees by evening.  Thanks for stopping by my post today.


  1. Great collages..I like messing around in my program that makes them also! :)

  2. You've done a great job with the collages !
    Is it a free program from Picasa ?
    You can spend a lot of time, fiddling with them, that I know :)
