Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Sea Gulls.........

A few years back I took a photo of all the sea gulls that live at the landfill north of here near Boone, Iowa.  The Des Moines River is nearby that spills into a larger lake so they have migrated north up the river and live along the landfill. I am sure there is plenty of food scraps somewhere even when they backfill all garbage with soil.

The view that one sees as you follow the city garbage trucks to the scale to be weighed.

The reason I am thinking landfills today is that I have an old tv set to be delivered there.  It was a very large old digital set that the neighbor gave us when she bought a new flat screen hd tv.  We enjoyed the set for a few years and the switch went out on it.

 This set is so heavy that I am concerned that the men who take the garbage every Friday, may not want to lift it into the back of their truck.  I have been to the landfill many times with truckloads of material and I have seen a lot a tv's in the landfill, so I do know that they take them.  If they think it is too heavy, they just won't bother lifting it into the truck.  I will have to drive it up there myself.

When congress forced us into the digital tv world the landfills were immediately being filled with all the old sets. I am going to be the next one to throw one in there.  I have sent two other sets already from father in law and an old black and white that couldn't be changed to digital channels.  We still have two in the house that use the digital converter so we can watch them.  I won't toss them until the sets go bad or they don't allow us to use digital converter. 

By the way I love the new flat screen HD TV.  I just think it is ironic that our government is trying to be so green and yet they just turned their heads at the idea that we were going to dump millions of sets into the landfills.  No provisions for recycling exits in our state.

If I have to take it myself, I will have to drive my car up to the top of the mountain and back my car up to the same site as the town garbage trucks are dumping and then throw it into the pile.

Thanks for stopping by my post today. 


  1. We still have our big old TV for main viewing but we did get a flat screen for the bedroom. And a flat screen for the computer. We can't dump then in the land fill here.

  2. We have an annual town clean up every April. Put anything except hazardous waste at the curb, and it will be picked up, once a week all month long.
    It's a good way to get rid of 'old' stuff, but then it probably is still sitting somewhere else !

  3. I think we have to pay 5.00 to get rid of TVs the same for Microwaves..our microwave bit the dust yesterday..bad stuff always happens in threes..wonder what will break next:(
