Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Reflection day........

I threw away my wreath. Before doing so I had to remove the small Christmas balls from it.  I placed them on the oak table and saw a photo taking opportunity.  There is even one piece of the evergreen laying on the table.   I try to maintain this spot as a creative area and this is all I can muster up for creativity today.

 Barney with oldest son Andy

Because things have thawed in our back yard, I have the privilege to walk the border collie up and down the sidewalks and streets.  I had back problems for a while ant that was a guarded activity.  He generally had learned to walk with me and stay my pace rather than drag me.  We had to work on that behavior as he likes to plow corn so to speak if he thinks he needs to go somewhere faster.

Monday evening it was late for me but we were out in the dark walking the streets.  It was a wonderful evening.  There wasn't any wind blowing, no rain coming from the sky and the temps were 60's.  The sky was clear and I could see all the stars clearly.  It reminded me of my childhood days when we would stay late out in the yard and look at stars.  The house was too warm and it seemed better to stay outside longer.

I don't know all the arrangements of the stars but it always amazes me how they are always the same. The sun and moon keep up their regular cycles and the starts continue to be in the same configuration.  It is a comforting feeling to know that despite all the nay sayers of the world that we really have not yet destroyed any planet and our space junk has not yet ruined the view.

The star formation of the guy with his shield and sword is always an easy one to find. The alignment of the four stars in a row is easy to view.  The large and small dipper seem easy to find when you are out in the open but my large trees keep me from finding it as quickly as others.

As we have two different zones of air traffic above us I find a small star, plane, traveling through about any time in the night.  It seems like an accent to the stars to see one or two planes up there at night headed on the redeye to some far off place.

I sometimes don't like to go walk the dag when I am tired and ready to go to bed, but the outside can be refreshing. Once I get my shoes on and find my coat and my hat, Barney is stretching and getting himself ready to go too, I am glad I went out.

Thanks for stopping by the old post today.............


  1. Beautiful reflection in your Christmas ornaments. I know Barney enjoys your walks. Hopefully, your weather will just continue to improve. It is nice enough here today to have the windows open and it does improve our moods! Hope you back is feeling much improved.

  2. Glad you are having better weather. It has been like summer here today. 85

  3. The night sky has been just beautiful lately..I find comfort in star gazing too..I did so much of it as a kid, never really knowing what I was looking for..except for the big dipper! Now I do know a few names of stars and yes I can find Orions belt! :)
