Thursday, March 15, 2012

Thursday's Things..............

An accidental shot while I was working at the dining room.  The fake flowers create an unusual composition of color and shapes.  Not a photo to write home about but an interesting abstract.

My last waterfowl that I will be showing to you is a duck that I can not name.  I know they are up north and I know they are a smaller duck.  I have seen paintings done of them in natural settings.

As you can see I am on a hodge podge theme today.  It has been busy and I need to get outside and shoot some pictures.  We are still very brown out there but the lilies and tulips are shooting up taller and I could find some color out there.

It is a tech day for me today and I hear I have a big project coming up second hour. I can't imagine what it will be as things are so varied in the tech world.

We will be 80 degrees today and that will be ok for our heating bill.  We turned our thermostat down so that we would not being paying Alliant Energy so much money until next fall. Thanks for stopping by my post today...............


  1. All three photos are wonderful. Is that a Willow Tree Angel in the last photo. I love the rabbit she is holding.

  2. Is that last piece carved? I think that duck might be a Bufflehead. Hope you have a great weekend! :)
