Monday, March 19, 2012

Spring weather can cheer you...........

Surprise lilies are pushing through.  Once they are in full foliage they will die down.  A month later or so the flowers will poke through their beautiful flowers.

Tilted tulip review of how things are growing.   The row of peony bushes are to the right of the tulips.  They are just barely sprouting up into sight.

Our state flower is the wild rose and as you can see the canes turn a wonderful red color before they sprout out their leaves.

It was a windy day Sunday and the cameraman leaned a little and the flowers were also leaning in the breeze.

We are to get rain today and it is suppose to continue for a few days.  It will really green up the grass.  Our warm weather has caused the magnolias to really start to burst open with color.  I need to venture around town and pick up the color.  Maybe this afternoon I can do that before the rain.

I am on spring break this week.  It means I can catch up on a lot of work that I didn't get done the past few months.  Illness and work day schedules have really kept me from getting things done. I have sticks to get up from the yard before the grass grows up and hides them.  From my photos you can see I have leaves to rake away from the flowers.  Bird cages are in need of a thorough cleaning and I have some Christmas village pieces yet to be boxed up and taken to the basement.

Time will be used wisely but I do plan to take time to rest.  Thanks for stopping  by my  blog.

1 comment:

  1. Spring is early all over the country this year. I love seeing the new growth on your flowers.

    I had elderly brother/sister neighbors when I lived in AL, and they shared surprise lilies with me. I always think of their generosity and friendship when I see these unique flowers.
