Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Promises of blooms..........

As it rains the nest few days these should be all in bloom.  One actually was open partially late yesterday afternoon.

The variegated leafed iris is popping up quickly.  It didn't do well where I had planted it, so I scattered it down the flower bed a ways just to see if that will help make it bloom.

The field lilies have really grown in the last few days.  They crowd themselves out so I suppose I need to thin them out a little this fall.  They are growing out onto the patio, maybe they will lift the patio with all their roots.

The fernleafed peony is up this high already.  I have another two sprouts near here that I am hoping for a different variety of fernleaf.

The neighbor's son in law had already snatched up a fernleaf peony that was of a multi-petal variety.  The neighbor was moving to a nursing home and he was taking away a lot of plants on the property. I was going to get a start of it and it was gone.  The guy was there one day and he didn't seem to feel badly that he had not shared but he gave me a stray root from the empty hole.  I am hoping that this is it, growth from the single root.   If not, I am going to go do some swapping with him when all my other fernleaf peonies are in bloom.  I hope he would give me a chance to trade. 

The rain overnight has done some damage to the blooming daffodils but I think they will straighten out once it stops raining. I will need to mow my yard in another week.

I thank you for your visit.

1 comment:

  1. You are looking more like spring every day! I am interested to see that varigated iris when it blooms:)
