Saturday, March 3, 2012

Visitors to my feeder.......

i looked out to the feeder today and was surprised to see this guy.  House Finches do not hang around our south part of the town.  They are many of them in the north part of town as the corn that is spilled out around the  Farmer's Co-op helps to keep them fed all winter.  I have visited people who have feeders near there and the House Finches are thick in numbers like sparrows.

Below is a description that  I found on the internet about this bird.

I have now called them House Finches and was blogging away earlier calling them Purple Finches. Once I had posted it I remembered I had misnamed them.  I had to go back and make fast changes as I realized they are House Finches.

Speaking of sparrows, here are all the Sparrows that are feeding two stories below the Purple Finch.  The wind is blowing and it feels very cold out there. The sun is shining but it is still staying below freezing most of the day.

Before the finch showed up I was all excited about getting photos of this female cardinal. A Junco joins her on the top enjoying the fresh seed that I put out this morning.  I took a lot of photos of the female cardinal and you can find her also posted on my one other blog  Larry's Photo a Day. I captured the male cardinal a few days back and was so glad to see that red top notch on the female today.

I am late posting again today but I finally have some new photos to share. It is nice to have Saturday off.  Even though it has been a busy one for me cutting picture frames I still have had breakfast out at Denny's, been to Menards for materials and have had two breaks with tea.

Thanks for stopping by my blog today.


  1. I like the bird photos. Cardinals are always neat to see.
    Sounds like you're having a good Saturday!

  2. I wish we had Cardinals here, I love the coloring of both the males and females. Bet the birds appreciate the seed, especially wit hit being so cold.

  3. We enjoy watching the birds that come to our feeder and get excited when we see a new one.
