Friday, March 2, 2012

Friday's Furry Friend

Furry, blurry friend Button was checking me out when I had the camera in my hand.  He of course is wagging his tail and jiggling all over like a poodle does. He is extremely co-dependent so he was wishing I  would pick him up and put him on my lap. He never really was ever intended to be a floor dog.  Just hold me or carry me and that is the best life for me, kind of dog.  I did of course pick him up and put him on my lap and then worked around him with the camera.  I was trying to delete some photos off the camera and that wasn't going so well.

I am a tech guy today. It has been a very busy morning so I hope I get to eat lunch and won't have to be running all over the building.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Button is a cutie. It would be hard to resist giving in to that sweet face.

  2. Button is adorable! I hope you all enjoy a fantastic weekend.

  3. Awwww, who could resist those cute little 'Button' eyes???

    I love the blurr of fur!

    God bless ya and have a fantastic weekend!!! :o)

  4. Button knows you will give in to could you resist? Have a good weekend:)
