Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Wednesday's wandering.........

The larger versions of this tulip is wonderful but the small ones put out a great show of color.

The small start of a red-violet lilac has survived the winter.  I had dug it from the alley plant next to  my parents home in Osceola.  The neighbor cut it down to the ground, trying to eliminate it.  Two stray sprouts were waiting for my rescue.

I looked out last evening and the squirrel was busy in the Chinese elm branches.  He was eating some sort of pod that was formed on the tree and I assume it was seeds. He was way out on the end of the flimsy branches and it almost seemed clumsy and clown-like. 

This shrub seems to be blooming a few weeks early.  I was surprised to see it turning white a day ago.

I am a tech guy today and will be setting up new computers today, establishing accounts and adding different applications to get them ready for use.  Thanks for stopping by my post today.


  1. Your tulip is a lovely color.I know you are glad to see spring and no more snow.
    My roar seam to be just a whimper (whine)or so someone in the household said. LOL

  2. That is a very pretty tulip too..peachy pink! And Lilacs already putting out their in Iowa:)

  3. Such beautiful tulips, I can't seem to deter the squirrels from eating the bulbs, or maybe just digging them out of the ground, so something else can munch on them !
    That squirrel has a huge tail...looks like a coon :)
    Hope your day is going well.

  4. The tulips there are ahead of us. What a pretty color they are. I hope those lilacs do well for you, they are one of my favorites.

  5. So much blooming since I visited last!

  6. Hi Larry, looks like spring has finally found you too! No tulips are blooming yet in our yard..hopefully some will pop up later.
