Thursday, March 29, 2012

A different kind of day........

Looking through the daffodils with the sun shinning give us a different perspective of the flowers.

It is spring and the cockatiels are thinking about nesting and raising baby cockatiels.  The year that I gave the one pair of birds a nest, I ended up with two different broods with seven new cockatiels.  I was able to give a couple of them away but I sill have five birds right now.

While watching the eagles hatch their eggs in Decorah, Iowa, I am amazed as to how small the eggs can be to get a grown bird.  The cockatiel eggs are the same way.  They are small eggs but those small wet birds turn fuzzy and grow in a few weeks into a full sized bird.

To be honest with you, I did put a nest like container on the floor of the one cage and place the eggs in them that the male was sitting on to keep warm. The male will sit on an egg and hiss at you when you come into the room.  I did notice that he is in there once in a while but I don't think the bowl like nest is as good as the closed box that they like to use.  I will keep you updated as to how persistent they are going to be and if they really do stay on the nest.

A sure sign of spring is the blooming of these yellow beauties.  I don't see as many of them out there any more but there are some.  I do have moles, I don't think gophers, in my yard and garden that I will have to deal with soon.

I have the solid purple wild violets and also these viola ones.  I like the foliage that they have and am glad to have them in the garden.

I received word a few days ago of a teacher friend that I worked with for five years that he had major heart surgery.  Last night his sister called and said that he passed away in the evening.  I am in shock that the guy who is 59 years old is gone and yet I was prepared when they described that he had seven bypasses and valve work done.  He moved on to another job after he worked here and we kept in touch once in a while.  I have lost a lot of teacher friends in the years that I have worked but usually they have retired and they were older than me.  I am still somewhat numb to what has happened and will find out later about the details of the funeral.

It has been four year since I lost my 61 year old brother suddenly and I guess this parallels my same emotions into one.  I am a tech guy again today.  I will tell of my adventure of screwing up the master admin  password on a computer yesterday.  It is common for it to happen but that's another story for another day.

Thanks for stopping by my post today.


  1. Magnificent photos Man. I can't believe how early everything is comin' up and bloomin'.

    I have to tell ya it scares me a bit in this old frost holler of mine! I usually don't put anything out 'till after May 15. I sure hope it doesn't bite us hard this year.

    God bless ya and have a blissful kinda day.

    BTW: I turned on the air MARCH!!!

  2. My deepest sympathy in the loss of your teacher friend.

    I will enjoy hearing about your cockatiels and the eggs.

    I love the heart-shaped leaves on the wild violets.

    I know you will be glad for the weekend to arrive. Another difficult week, I am sure, with such a sudden loss.

  3. Wonderful signs of Spring... and I'll be looking forward to seeing some cockatiel chicks.

  4. We has a cockatiel and it( ONLY )loved The Bennie.

    We are really enjoying the Decorah Eagles this year.

    Death at that age is a shock to us,sorry you lost a friend.
