Friday, March 16, 2012

Zoo animals of my past.........

As I subbed for the band instructor in a study hall  this morning I am reminded of my visit a few years back to the zoo.  As in the zoo, some students are more needy for attention than others.  Some students are really shy and require nothing in the way of a teacher's help.  Some students really live on the edge and they want to test their boundries and others are ready to explode in anger.  I find that school really hasn't changed much since I walked away from the classroom a few years back.

It is Friday and the last day before spring break.  It will be a nice change to not have to set the alarm in the morning to get up and go to school.  Maybe I will be able to get out there and collect some new photos for the good of the cause of my blogland partners

Thanks for stopping by my  post today.


  1. I certainly enjoyed your pics from the zoo. Hopefully you will enjoy great weather for Spring Break.

  2. Zoo animals reminding you of teenagers..say it isn't so! The little goat is sure cute. Enjoy your spring break:)

  3. Love that cute little goat! Our kids just had midwinter break and will soon have spring break. Hopefully our weather will be more spring like then.
