Tuesday, April 3, 2012

The blooms keep coming........

The color and the smell is wonderful in my yard right now.  I sometimes have allergic reactions to these things or a form of asthma.  Each spring it is different for me health wise.  I guess the mowing of the yard is the most damaging to my lungs but that too is varied from year to  year.

I am in the art room again today.  Students were frustrated that their teacher left before the end of the year so they were a little bit testy with me.  So far today they are being a lot better and will survive the change.  I told them that the teacher replacement is coming in a few days so they need to get use to change one more time.

Thanks for stopping by my blog today.


  1. Gorgeous blooms. It has been a beautiful spring. I sympathize about the allergies. I have them too.

  2. So many pretty flowers. It's good you have their beauty to counter the grumpy teenagers.

  3. Wonderful blooms..the Lilacs are early..I have to go and look at mine now and see what the buds look like. You have some lovely tulips:)
