Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Wednesday's Wandering.........

The river birch is shedding a very large section of it's bark.  To think I bought this tree by accident thinking I was going to have a regular birch tree.  It is getting to be very big and it is a great specimen tree.

It is Wednesday already and I am still a transition substitute teacher.  I was notified yesterday that this little gig could last for two more days to two more weeks.  The kids are at least not mad anymore about their regular art teacher moving away with her minister husband to start a new church in South Dakota.

We are having a mass evacuation drill today.  It takes a lot of planning to get a high school and a middle school out of the building in case there was a real bomb threat or a gas link, or a chemical threat.  Everyone rides buses to another location, we count heads continually and report in continually until we finally get back into the classroom.

Have a good day everyone and take care.

1 comment:

  1. Well I am sure you can take right over till the new person shows up! What great tulips! Those double ones are awesome:)
