Friday, April 13, 2012

Bunches of Blooms......

I am sure that it was cold and windy the day that I planted these tulips.  I must have dug a large hole and tossed them in around the outside edge of it.  Then I must have filled it in and rushed back into the house.  Most years I buy the tulips that I run across in late fall and then force myself outside to plant them in winter weather.

My neighbor gave me one of her aronia berry bushes when she purchase some for her property. I believe she was concerned that her five plants wouldn't survive and maybe my one would.  She actually has all but one surviving.  This is the first year for  mine to bloom.

  The plants remind her of her past life as an part American Indian  living near the Pine Ridge Indian reservation.  She admits now that they really don't taste so good but they do mix in with other types of berries to make good jam.

The wild violets that grow all over my property have enjoyed a long spring.  The freeze did bother them a little but they are still in bloom.

I am an aid today following a nice young man around to his different classes.  I may get plugged into a last period class when a coach leaves for a track meet.

It is Friday and the rains are disrupting our plans for the weekend.  I know we can live with rain but sometimes we fell less spontaneous when the weather is not great.

Thanks for stopping by my post. 


  1. Hello Larry:
    Rather as you, we have memories of planting tulips in the cold, and often wet, in our gardening days right up to Christmas and hating every moment. But what joy when, as these have for you, they appeared in the spring.

    Rain is forecast for us too this weekend, the threat of which has put on hold a trip into the countryside with friends.

    Thank you so much for becoming a Follower of our blog. It is much appreciated.

    Kellemes hétvégét!

  2. Good Friday Afternoon Larry, These are all such beautiful blooms. Sorry about your rain for the weekend. We are still dry here.
