Thursday, April 12, 2012

Thursday's Things

I like how the early sprouts of leaves on the rose bushes are red.  I actually have a rose bud on one of my bushes but I have no photo to prove.

I have a chokecherry tree that must be ornamental as it never puts out fruit.  It does bloom each spring and the fragrance is wonderful.  It is looking a bit weathered here as the blooms are starting to fall off the branches.

Another view of my lilacs. We had a third night of almost freezing but I think it will be warmer than that from here on out.

I took 42 new photos last night while wearing my winter coat.  I am too busy and it was after supper and I decided I needed to do it or I wouldn't have any new shots for the next few days.

I am a techie today, all day, and already have a techie headache.  Staring at computer screens while installing or directing computers to a printer gets to be painful.  I worked with ipads this morning and that is a whole different machine as far as  I am concerned.  I liked working with it if that was all I would have available but the set ups are so different than a laptop that I have to relearn whichever type of machine that I am working.

Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Hello Larry:
    We have come across your very eclectic blog via Gary at Fox Paw Lodge whose 'adventures'we follow with great delight. Looking back over some of your more recent posts, we are so very struck with the wonderful images of plants which you feature, when not delving into your archives to find certificates from a former Pope!!

    We gardened seriously for over 25 years in the United Kingdom but now, living for most of our time in Budapest, we are without so the plants have even greater appeal.

    We have added ourselves as Followers.

  2. Your blooms are lovely, Larry. I know what you mean about the cold temps too because I added a blanket on top of our spring comforter last night. It's supposed to be in the 80s here this weekend - odd weather!
