Tuesday, April 17, 2012

The Frst Iris to Bloom........

This old fashioned iris is from the property in Osceola.  It really isn't a family iris other than my parents had it planted against the garage for thirty years.  Who knows where they found the starts but probably from some neighbor.

As you can see in the background is a dandelion in bloom and also there is a view of a peony bush that was transplanted there last fall.

The weathered tulip will be dropping it's petals very soon.  The 60 mph wind has dislodged a lot of the petals of the tulips.

Aronia berry bush is going to put out some fruit.  I will give the berries when ripe to the neighbor lady to add to her other bushes' fruit that she has growing.

The lilac season is almost finished.  I did get my yard partially mowed last evening.  I had to set the mower deck on the highest setting. I was cold with my parka hood pulled up to keep warm. The grass is very uneven so there were places where I was not mowing anything.

 I have two lots so it takes me a couple of days to push a mower around the property.  I did have a lot of sticks to pick up as I did different sections.  My old mower started one more time after I cleaned the spark plug and put gas in the carburetor.  It started right away with out too much complaining.  I have to admit that I only had gasoline that was intended for the chainsaw.  It has some oil additive in it and the old mower seemed to like the extra oil.  I will purchase gas before I finish mowing the orchard area.

I am following a nice young man around with him to his classes today.  We have a full schedule today and by the end of the day I will be well versed in Health, English, American History, Science and Math.  He is doing a visual presentation today as to how to make chocolate chip cookies.  His mother taped it on her phone (sideways) last night and the video is being shown.  There will be cookies to eat after the video.

Thanks for stopping by my post.


  1. I have two wishes
    1. Iris bloomed all summer
    2. I could grow Lilacs
    well make that 3 You have a very good day.

  2. Hello Larry:
    We love the old fashioned Irises as they always look so elegant and colourful. In a garden belonging to friends of ours they have several hundreds of Iris plants, all pale blue, underneath apple trees. And, when the sea of blue Irises flower together with the fluffy white apple blossom, heaven really has arrived on earth!

  3. Yes, I echo Patsy's wishes, and wish that Iris bloomed all summer long.
    Lovely blooms there Larry, despite our late freeze, ours are now showing their colors.
    Just love all the pretty colors !

  4. Superbes, merci, le printemps est merveilleux dans ton jardin :)

  5. looks like your snow is a distant memory. How quickly your spring growth comes out.

  6. You are really blooming down there..the snow and ice slowed things a bit here. Lovely blooms I have enjoyed them all! :)
