Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Weathered Warrior........

My little elf has lost his way because the goose in which he was flying has lost his head.  I still like him in his beat up sort of way and I think that he can stay until he has lost it all.

I moved three golden privets away from the north side of the house.  They had been there 15 years and never would grow. Moving them out into the sunshine has caused them to doubl in size. They actually are very healthy and put out that great color.

It rained this morning enough that I had to walk the dog.  The fernleaf peonies are ready to open. I hope they wait until the last rain tomorrow so they don't get spoiled.  I have five of these planted in different locations of the property.  All but one has buds on them.  The one is a transplant from a year ago so it needs to mature some more.

Thanks for stopping by my post today.


  1. Larry,
    Personally I love garden statuary that shows age, to me it adds an extra layer of antiquity to the garden. I’m glad you are keeping this little guy, and will allow him to age with grace and dignity. – gary
