Friday, April 20, 2012

Frigid Friday......

My first blooms for my iris.  I believe it is one of  my cemetery iris collection.  This is the first time it has ever bloomed for me even though I have had it a few years.  I used to have a white one that boomed first but I transplanted it into a bad spot and all I get is foliage.  It will be moved soon for next year.

I entered a photo in a contest which the theme was"green."   I didn't use this one but it does show the growth of a lily taking place.

It is about time to make something with rhubarb. It makes my mouth water to think of how sour it tastes.

The ditch lilies are taking over my one back yard garden.  I either have to chop it out or rescue those things that it is crowding.   I think I lost a regal lily because of it.  If not I will dig it as soon as it shows itself.

Thanks for stopping by today.  We are very cold today and it isn't going to warm up much.  I froze my body walking Barney last night as I had not worn my stocking cap. This morning I work three layers with a hood and it was still a little bit cold.

Larrion the Librarian today.  Thanks for stopping by my post.  The weekend is coming!!!!!


  1. Larry,
    I don’t know which I enjoy the most, your wonderful photography or snippets into the life of a substitute teacher. Your photos always bring a smile and today “Larrion” brought an audible chuckle. Have a great day. – gary

  2. I lost my white iris this year, so sad I will look for one in some ones garden.I think my sister-in- law in Tn. has some.
    We are looking at rain today and it is cool.
    Have a good day at school.

  3. Beautiful Iris..yes lots of people planted those in cemeteries:)

  4. Larrion..hope you had a fun library day:)

  5. I hope the white iris finds a good spot and blooms.
    Home you warm up too.

  6. Poor you with frigid temperatures.
    Is there no end to your versatility at school?
