Thursday, April 19, 2012

New Sprouts..............

My violet leaves have started to sprout new leaves.  I had to go back to see when I had placed the leaves in the starting tank.  It was in February.  I had been putting the task off for so long that I finally just did it one Saturday morning instead of working on frame jobs.

I had posted about this a few weeks ago saying that there were no signs of new starts.  I looked up the exact site and you can see the process when I first begun in February 18, 2012.  Plant Doctor was the title of the post.

I did lose a couple of leaves to rot so in the first of the month I inserted new leaves in their spot.

I have three actual evidences of sprouting leaves and my watering procedures have now changed.  I don't want to disturb the roots so I am placing ice cubes in among the leaves to allow them to keep the moisture up, rather than having the watering can wash soil away from the leaf stems and disturb their growth.

I really don't know if the fertilizer is causing such great leaves but I do know that the small drops of it in the watering can have really made them get very green.  I bought a large pot for one of the violets as it seemed to be outgrowing it's smaller container.  Who knows when I will get it transplanted.  I do have a couple of loses so I am not all successful here.  A couple that I divided are doing well but the smaller plants that I divided from them are really struggling.

It rained this morning for a short while but I think we are done for the day.  A field trip was canceled today and two of us ended up as left overs without a job.  I will be doing tech as that is my second job and the other person will probably read a book all day.

Thanks for stopping by my post today.


  1. Hello Larry:
    Now the use of ice cubes to allow for watering without disturbing the soil in any way is most ingenious and something which we have never before considered.

  2. My soil is already moist and I keep a clear plastic bag over it so the ice cubes put out just a small amount of moisture. I had an orchid one time that had directions telling me to use four ice cubes per watering so I wouldn't over water them.

  3. Cool about the ice cubes. These starts are looking good..60 days to put on roots and start new shoots..not bad at all Larry! :)

  4. Never had any African Violets, Larry. The ice cube tip might be a good one for any plant as we have a small one that we sometimes forget to tend. Rainy weekend here is forecast.
