Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Tuesday's Sharing.......

Globe allium when planted in the correct spot will multiply easily.  I have it growing out into my yard. I decided to mow around it and move the strays to other parts of my property. I like it when they spread and take care of themselves.

Red Admiral Butterfly
I have numerous butterflies this year and they are really feeding on the blooms.  I had to look this butterfly up on the net as there are a couple of them that look similar to this one.

I have hopes to see these white clematis blooming soon.  They are doing well on this gate roof but they do seem to be sensitive and die out easily if the conditions are too dry.  I am assuming the cold temps are keeping them from bursting open.

The fernleaf peony opens up and looks like a large poppy.  I did see these flowers opened in the afternoon.  When I returned later in the evening to take a shot, they had all closed up again.  I should have stopped in the middle of the mowing of the yard and taken a picture but I thought that would be ridiculous.  We cool off fast and so they closed.

The macro shots of the spirea really make the small petaled flowers look a lot bigger.  My bushes are not going to be as full of blooms this year I am assuming because of our freeze.  The branches that are putting out flowers look great.

I am a Middle School English teacher today.  It will be a long day as there isn't a break in the person's schedule all day.  The kids have matured a lot since the beginning of the year so I should not have to be redirecting behaviors so much today.  Quiet reading is my favorite part of the lesson plan.

Have a good day and thanks for stopping by today.


  1. You have such a nice variety of plants and flower colors on your property, Larry. I'm jealous! lol

    I love the butterfly in the photo too! Very nice!

  2. You have butterflies already!! Wow..I saw a couple of mosquitoes and a spider..no bees or butterflies yet. Your Allium is beautiful:)
