Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Wednesday's Wandering........

The columbine took a hit early on with the freeze but it didn't take out the buds, just those flowers that were in bloom.  So I am getting a good show from my two plants.

We were very warm yesterday and these peonies actually opened up so you could see their centers. My earliest plant like this is now spent as the warm weather made the petals wilt and shrink.

Red is hard for the digital camera to translate but this is close to the actual color.  They are going to be gone soon with the warmer weather.

My neighbor guy who is not a gardener keeps telling me I need to prune back my spirea.  He doesn't like the look of my ancient shrubs.  I do see he trimmed his three off to a foot high and you can imagine what they look like this spring.  I can thin them out if they were full of dead wood but they are not, he just doesn't like the branches dangling down when not in bloom. I finally told him that they are on my property and that I will nurture them the way I think best.

I have a larger set of spirea along the alley and they are doing great just like the ones on the property line.  As you can see I have very nice looking shrubs.

One last photo just for show.  The iris actually are not leaning, the old man shooting the shot seemed to be leaning with the camera for some reason.

I am a tech guy today and it seems to be a busy morning.  I am working with ipads again today, download applications onto them for the staff to take to a workshop.  I don't like the keyboard of an ipad and I really don't think I will ever purchase one.  I type quickly and the ipad requires one to type with two fingers switching from an alphabet screen to a numbers screen back and forth while typing.

Thanks for stopping by my post today.  


  1. Hello Larry:
    Well, we absolutely love your Spireas exactly as they are. They do make a wonderful show in spring and yours look incredibly healthy and floriferous!

  2. Very nice photos today. You certainly have a grand variety of blooms. Good for you telling the neighbor that the bush is on your property to do with as you please. Our neighbor did not like our maple tree dropping its leaves in the fall EVEN THOUGH our yardman picked up and took the leaves with him each week. THEN she left her Bradford pear leaves on the ground ALL winter to blow around in our yard!!!!! Oh, to be back on 2 1/2 acres again!!!!!!! Just kidding. Blessings to you and your wife.

  3. Beautiful pictures -- especially the peonies. And I'm all in favor of unpruned flowering shrubs!

  4. The peonies are just bursting with color & the little spirea flowers are so delicate looking! I know what you mean about neighbors. They can sometimes be a pain. :-(

  5. Your peonies are beautiful! From the looks of it you have summer there in Iowa! The neighbor sounds bossy..I am sure your beautiful yard drives him nuts:)
