Monday, April 9, 2012

Indoor Plant Report....

This was a gift to me by my wife's cousin a few months back.  She brought her sweet dog over for a visit so we could meet her and she gave me this violet.  I have taken leaves from it to  make new starts.

A couple of years ago I started some new plants from leaves and about two months ago I started another batch.  I am using regular potting soil in a plastic storage container.  I place a large clear plastic bag over it to keep the moisture in it with the end of the bag left loosely open.

I would watch my mom doing this as a kid and it seems to be a successful way to start new violet plants.  No matter what the medium is that you are starting them in, you must keep the leaf as vertical as possible standing so it won't rot the leaves.

I haven't pulled any up to see how the roots are doing as I don't want to disturb the success that they seem to be having in growing.  The leaves are healthy looking and I know that soon I should see some sprouts at the base of the stem. Earlier I did loose a couple of the leaves and I don't know why but I just replaced them with more leaves.

I have so many old fashion traditional violet plants that I didn't try to root any of them.  I am really organized this time with my starts with actual labeling on the outside of the container so I can see what I have before they start to bloom.  I have never kept track of the timing before but now I should be able to check my first blog date and see how long it takes them to bloom.

One outside bud that I am keeping track of is the fernleaf peony.  I had rapidly planted this one off in a strange location next to the vegetable garden and two years later is has grown into a big plant.

Part of the day I will be a librarian and the morning will be spent maintaining computer labs and other tech stuff.  Thanks for stopping by today.............oh yes,  we are siting on the county border that is being predicted to have frost or a freeze tonight.  In town we tend to keep a little warmer so maybe there will be frost on the car.  The line is clearly positioned just above us by three miles.

Again, thanks for your visit.


  1. Such a pretty color of Violet blooms. We have been in the 40s during the night for the past week. Considerably cooler for us.

  2. I would say you have a green thumb when it comes to the violet. Cloody gave me the iris and for got the name so it could be a Prissy Miss.

  3. Great job on the violets. Hope the frost misses you!

  4. Your starts are looking good..oh my that peony is going to bloom soon:)

  5. It has been years since I grew anAfrican violet. You make it sound so easy. Perhaps I will give it a try again. Yours are so beautiful and you are so inspiring. Thank you for sharing.
