Tuesday, April 10, 2012

New Material is Hard to Find.......

The hybrid iris from my neighbor's thinned out patch has done well in my garden.  Yellow Kitty liked where I planted them except she thought it made a good outside litter box.   I had to keep going out and righting them back into a growing position.

It is too early for the iris to be budding but I do see some signs of buds that may be forming.  All of the peonies that I transplanted from the farm are up and growing in the garden.  I had many hostas from one digging that I  scattered all over the property which are just now showing signs of life. I actually didn't remember where I had planted all the new starts but they will show up soon.

More tulip pictures of plants that look like they are doing the ballet.  They seem to follow the sun from dawn to dusk.

My multi-headed daffodils finally opened up the past few days.  They are a novelty plant that bloomed in one location but seemed to not have bloomed twenty yards away at another location.

As a sad sidenote, I had to bury our community wild rabbit under this pear tree.  He had been around for quit a few years but I think he must have been hit by a car.  I was shooting photos and there he lay among the flower bed.  I am sure we will have another one move in to take his place but I like seeing them out and about the property.

I will close with a snap of the honeysuckle blooms.  They are not quite fully opened but the sweet smell is definitely in the air. We were done to 30 degrees F. (-1.1 degrees C) last night.  Fortunately the ground is warm so we really didn't get a frost.  The cold will return again tonight.  I was reminded that nothing is safe in Iowa until after May 10th.

Librarian and Techie guy today.

Thanks for stopping by my post.


  1. Sorry about your rabbit, we have them to and would be sad to see them go.Your spring is on time ours was way to early.

  2. Sad about the rabbit. You have some beautiful blooms to photograph. Most everything has finished blooming and turned green here. After 4/17, GA residents can safely plant tender annuals.

  3. Too bad about the rabbit. Nice that he nestled in your flowers for a peaceful departure.
    Those purple tulips look very graceful.

  4. Good post, sorry about your visiting rabbit, that is always sad. These creatures that live between the wild and civilization really have a hard time of it. We won't see the hostas here in west-central MN until a good 3 weeks from now, in normal years until almost the end of May. While I'm enjoying the warmer weather I'm almost thankful for the cold front, I feel a little cheated that my hibernation period has been so shortened, ha. Thanks again for the posts, very good blog. Phil, Minnesota

  5. Really like the 3rd photo in this group....love those colors together.
    Oh, so sorry to hear about your rabbit. I am sure another will be hopping along someday soon.
