Monday, April 30, 2012

Monday Already!!!!!!

An unusual frame job that is almost completed.  A friend of mine ordered on the web this window pane with a Sylvania decal adhered to it.  His father repaired television sets when they were full of tubes.  As you can read in the ad that there was a possibility of having 85 picture tubes and/or 85 color tubes.

The frame job is unique as I cleaned up the very dirty sign to find a very nice decal, then placed a mat and another glass over it to keep it protected.  It makes the framed piece heavy.  I also matted it so you could see the paint scraps around the edge of the glass left by the window frame to show how old the who thing is.

I do remember those days when the tv would go black and the neighbor guy who was a farmer, who also repair sets, was called in to help. He had to check each tube and see which one was burned out.  The cost was usually the markup on the tube itself and maybe a five dollar trip charge.  Those tubes really did get very warm and it is probably one of the reasons they burned out so often.

Blaser had been the town fire chief for years and he did inherit his dad's electronics business. He now does house and commercial building wiring plus drives a school bus.  The fire chief job got to be too much for him and he resigned that a few years back. Once a fireman always a fireman though as you can see him at most of the fires.

Blogging can becoming extremely frustrating as one needs to spell every word correctly and have the correct usage.  I seem to keep messing up with (lose, loose, loss) and (its, its') or whatever it is suppose to be.  When I review my posts I sometimes find glaring mistakes that shouldn't be there and I do proof my blogs before I publish them.  Some errors are because of fat, old fingers on the keyboard problems.  Some are reversal problems that show up as errors and sometimes it is that I am just plain sloppy.

So when I look at other people's blogs and see errors, I just smile.  But when I look at the identity of a butterfly on another blog and notice I screwed up again I get irritated.  I had looked it up but apparently didn't see a clear picture of it. The red admiral butterfly above is not a painted lady. I have made my corrections on the past few posts.  No, I do not correct people on their blog. I think there is an understood rule about that even though some don't follow it.  I do like corrections though if I am looking foolish because I said something totally off base.

I did read a post of someone's yesterday and they blew the name of a shrub.  I still go back and check to see if I was wrong, but I was glad to find that I was correct, they were wrong. Getting old is bad news and sometimes the brain just refuses to kick in with accuracy.  I guess when I reach the point of putting out too much misinformation that I will just quit. ( Not quite but quit.)

Thanks for hanging in there with me and thanks for stopping by my post today.  We are going to warm up today!!!!!


  1. Larry,
    I found myself chuckling at this latest post as the memories of setting in front of a dark picture screen waited for it to warm up crossed my mind. I remember as a youngster myself, lol, waiting as each tube warmed up which was followed by the picture tube warming. And as the picture tube warmed it grew from the center and spread slowly across the screen, magic, shear magic. I fear some of today’s younger set would be screaming before the hum of the tubes got going good, lol. That is truly a wonderful decal and your framing really makes it stand out, excellent job. – gary

  2. Oh brother, my post lights up like a Christmas tree on Christmas Eve when I spell check. Ya can only imagine.

    I've welcomed notifications that I've really messed something up when someone is simply bein' helpful. It's when it get kinda nasty I get irritated. Shoot, I purposely leave off letters and use off words.

    God bless ya and have yourself an incredible week!!! :o)

  3. Interesting piece of art! We had a TV repair man too that tested the tubes..we always hoped it wasn't one he had to order and that Mom had enough money to pay the repair bill.
    That looked like a Painted Lady to me..what do I know?? Don't let the errors get to you Larry, someone corrected me the other one ear and out the other..they don't blog but they were correcting my spelling..LOL..I fixed the words they complained about.
    I don't come over here to correct you..only to enjoy what you write/wrote about:)

  4. Does it really matter if the name you give a beautiful butterfly is incorrect, if you have true intentions in the writing? The important thing is the spirit in which you write the piece. You aren't writing a paper for Oxford University or "Scientific AMerican". Keep up the good spirit and the nice blog. Phil/ Minnesota

  5. John and I really enjoyed this unique frame job you completed. In the late 80's, he repaired tv's. Things have certainly changed!

  6. A great post, Larry. I love this unique frame work you did...great job!
