Sunday, April 29, 2012

Clematis.......and other things.

A composition of bud and leaves that shows the promise of a pretty bloom.  The cold and rain along with the strong winds did not help out the situation.

The bloom that was already open has suffered a lot from the weather. Maybe the warm weather of the future will help to give out a better set of blooms.

The columbine is showing off it's great color against the bark of my ash tree. I notice that the plant really is hardy through strong winds and cool temperatures.

I had remarked yesterday that I would not mow my yard because it was too cold.  I changed my mind and mowed with two layers of long sleeved shirts and the top one had a parka hood in which I used to stay warm.  I had to mow =low as I was trimming down the grass from a taller height.  I had let it go so long that I had trimmed it last week at the mower's tallest setting. I dropped it two notches down this time and just walked slower.  Yes, I was cold but I did warm up from the exercise.

While out there I collected damaged plants and brought them inside.  The yellow tulip was hit by the mower while the white one was taken down by the wind.  I have two colors of weigela that had branches laying on the ground so I brought samples of them inside.  I also had the wind take out a stalk of the cemetery iris as I found it laying on the ground.

I snapped a shot of a fuzzy dog who doesn't like his owners working in the gallery.  He sits and watches and sometimes scratches at my legs to ask to be picked up and to be held.  When his patience runs out and he can't get us to stop working, he will curl up in the rocking chair in the room and take a nap.  I love sharing the bad floor tile in the back that needs to be replaced.  That should be a summer project of putting down a new floor in the gallery.

The green leafed burning bush is putting out little flowers that will become berries.  The berries are loved by the birds but not until late summer when the turn red along with the leaves of the bush.

It is another cold day in Iowa but promised to improve with warmer weather all week.  We will be overcast most of the day and maybe a light rain will come by noon time.  Fortunately the rain is staying south and east of us and we will be touched by the top edge of it.

Thanks for stopping by my post today.


  1. Hello Larry:
    It is rather sad when one's flowers are damaged by bad weather. One waits for so long over the winter for their appearance in the spring only to have them dashed to the ground. Still, as gardeners, we always believe that the next season or the next year will be better!! Perhaps, this is the madness that keeps us going?!!

    Hoping that your days warm up and that the Clematis can flower profusely as a result!!

  2. Poor Button..he looks kinda sad. Sounds like your weather has been horrible..well at least you got a bouquet:)

  3. What a sweet little dog...hope things go well for your garden.

  4. Button is the cutest! Thanks for sharing your pretty blooms.
