Sunday, April 1, 2012

Sunday's Stuff.......

My pink redbud tree is showing off against the blue sky.  It is hard to photograph these branches close up as the full tree with flowers is so stunning.

The rain caused this flowering bush to fill out with blooms.  Sometimes with flowers, the rain can ruin them, but the moisture really caused the blooms to open.  This is my unidentified shrub that was given to me thirty years ago.

With all the pastel colors on the previous photos, I will end with this peach beauty.  I have only three or four of these and they pop up out in the middle of the orchard area.  I don't know what I was thinking when I  planted them there.

I have a lot of new iris plants coming up now that will eventually bloom for the first time.  I transplanted successfully five peony bushes from my wife's old home on the farm.  They are pushing through quite well.  I also planted the rose bush from my wife's home place that I rescued from a rubble pile. It was still in the bucket in the basement and it was still alive.  I have never seen this rose bloom and it is an old fashion one.

Thanks for st stopping by my post today.  I trust you Sunday will be a restful one.


  1. It is awfully pretty there..beautiful photos! :)

  2. I can't wait to see the rose and peonies happy they are doing well. These blossoms today are so pretty. That white bush is loaded with beautiful blooms.
