Saturday, March 31, 2012

Saturday's Stuff.......

These guys are so tough they deserve to live for a while before I take them out.  They are actually growing in a crack between my concrete patio and steps.

My tulip row looks really great right now and the peony bushes that are lined up against them are shooting up.  Soon the foliage of the tulips will be buried from the peonies.

In most of my photos you can see leaves in the background as I have waited to clear my different garden area.  As cold as it is getting at night it seems to be a good idea to not remove them right now.
It is getting close to being rhubarb season as you can see this new plant that I rescued from my fence line.  It seems to be liking it's new location.

I will finish off my post today with this bunch of tulips.  As you can see that the ones in the foreground are a different variety.  The yellow and orange ones will probably be gone by the time the ones in front get to be opened.

I framed pictures again today and I will share some of my skills later on in the week. It hasn't been a restful day for me but it is a relief to get so much of my work caught up.

Thanks for stopping by my post today.


  1. Such pretty tulips. It always amazes me when weeds and/or violas come up in a crack in the driveway!!!
    I look forward to seeing your framing projects.
    Hope you both have a great weekend.

  2. Great looking tulips Larry. I never clean too many leaves off..I leave some for mulch:)
