Wednesday, May 30, 2012

A Blurry, Slithery Snake.......

Garter snakes like to be in the water and also drink the water.  I had a frog in my pond and he couldn't get out.  I had lifted him up and out with a spade and left the frog sitting on the end of the spade on the edge of the pond.  The frog got his energy built up and left and the snake used the spade as a way to aid his drinking from the pond.

Everything looks green and lush but we are in a drought right now.  We have cracks in the ground and the grass is turning brown.  I have different seeds planted and I doubt that they ever will sprout without a good soaking rain.  I watered my tomato plants last night as well as flowers in pots.  I use my rainwater barrel water but it is now empty. 

I am doing unpleasant jobs at school and am tired and achy.  We will do more pleasant jobs as time goes by and I will be in better physical shape in a week.  Thanks for stopping by my post.


  1. Ewww, he's a nice fat one !
    No matter....I'm afraid of snakes.
    We had thunderstorms last night, this morning you can't see your hand in front of you, the fog's so thick.
    Hang in there at school, it will soon be out for Summer.

  2. I would do something different with that shovel if I was brave enough and could stop screaming long enough:(

  3. Sending you some Scottish rain, Larry. We have torrents here at the moment.
