Tuesday, May 29, 2012

It is a little crowded.......

The hydrangea that I planted as a single stem with roots has now overtaken the left side of my porch.  The welcome dog which sits on the top deck of the steps is feeling crowded because of this plant.

The plant is crowding out the golden privet.  I will move that in the near future.  With the bishops weed and the hydrangea I will have to prune back things in the fall.

Della and I had a dog rescue to do today.  A female beagle had been hanging around all day in the neighborhood so we were told. We had been gone to have breakfast out with our son and his wife.  We hit a bookstore before we came home and the neighbor girls were dealing with the stray dog.  She was a sweet dog and the connector to her leash hung on her collar.  They were not having any success and Della let her into our back yard and gave her water and dog biscuits.

I decided to put Barney's leash on her and we started walking.   I went to all the houses who had beagles and they still had their dogs, but they were glad someone would check with them.  I started walking down main street with her and one neighbor said they would take her if I didn't find any owner.   I walked three blocks down hoping some poor owner was distraught and was watching for her, no such luck.   At the end of the three blocks I saw students walking my way.  I crossed the street and asked if they recognized the dog.  They said it is Walsh's dog and they lived next to the school.

So I walked her back the many blocks to the house, Della gave me the car keys and we took a drive to the other side of town.   I walked up to the door and I could tell she was waiting as if she knew that when the door opened that she would be welcomed.  The young boy, who I had during subbing at school, was standing there and I asked  if this was his dog.      Yah.     He turned and yell to his mom that Mr. Burgus found our dog.  They were grateful and the dog went to the other end of the house to see if there was any food and water for her.  It was a good ending.

I did get my zinnia's planted today and also my morning glories are in the ground.  We had friends stop by this afternoon on their way home to Marshalltown.  It was good to see them. They left us some nice heath bar like bars as treats.

I go back to school tomorrow to work. I work from six until two in the afternoon.  We are remodeling four different public bathrooms at the school. Tomorrow I will be on my own to remove toilets from the walls and floor for replacement.  I am not looking forward to this but I do get to work at my own pace.  I will get some assistance later in the morning when the other part of the team return from delivering things to another school.

Thanks for stopping by my post today..........

1 comment:

  1. Good rescue story with a happy ending! So now you are a construction worker for the summer! Sounds like a big project! :)
