Sunday, May 20, 2012

Checking In......

I didn't get every single weed pulled from my backyard garden but I did make great progress in making them be a lot better looking. I have one long bed that isn't completed but I will hit it today or tomorrow after school.

The red peony is very good looking this year.  I like having hostas as they are easy to maintain.  My problem with them is that they do so well that I need to dig and divided them more often than one would think.

I uncovered a set of stepping stones by removing soil and lots of grass that was on top of them.  Some of the stones needed to be lifted.  I didn't get them hosed off with water so this could look a little better.

Me and a weedeater get along well when it comes to removing unwanted plants.  I do have a problem with slopping into an area where I hit flowers.  I hate it when I cut off something in bloom.  The peony is one of my unwanted cuts and I also hit an asiatic lily by mistake.  I brought that lily in and put it in a vase of water.  I will record its progress as it blooms in the house by camera.

Have a good Sunday.  Thanks for stopping by my post.


  1. Your garden is lovely. We once had some fast growing groundcover to hide our stepping stones!
    I'll never forget Larry weedeating down all of mama's Cock's Comb (Celosia) plants thinking they were weeds!!!

  2. Sometimes flowers are too entwined with the weeds. Enjoy it in the house. The bed looks pretty good. I like the hostas and the peony together.

  3. May the accidental houseguest give you pleasure (and pictures!) for many days! I got some at the farmers market and keep them cool during the night, to have them last longer.
