Monday, May 21, 2012

White, red and blue........

I really like peonies and yet I don't like the fading away of the flowers.  If I have time, I clip the flower heads off and leave the foliage as a hedge.

The creeping bluebells are starting to show off their color.  I may have to water on the south of my house as it is warmer back there and we are in need of rain.  I will water the roses for sure with my rain barrel water.

I guess I have a white, blue and red theme going today.  My red peonies have done well this year.  They bloomed later than all of the rest so they survive all our wind.  I have a couple of the red peony plants that I want to move and I know I should wait  until fall.  Maybe I will wait if stays hot now which is our normal weather.

I am tech guy today and will be busy most of the day doing physical work.  I slide out of school as a permanent sub to become a summer worker for the custodians.  It isn't just janitor work as they have shelving to build and rooms to move around and busy stuff.  The nice thing about cleaning a school in the summer is that it stays clean.

Thanks for stopping by my post today.


  1. You have the most beautiful photos of your garden, Larry. Hope you will get the needed rain soon. We had a terrible thunderstorm last night; thankful not to have had damage and grateful for the water!
    Take care.

  2. Love the bluebells - do you think they would like the heat down here?

  3. Many famous gardeners who write books call them the curse with roots. I have through my blogging years been reminded of that by my blogging friends that I should get rid of it. It is a traditional foundation plant that goes with very old houses.

  4. Red, white and blue....perfect!
    You have a beautiful garden with a large variety of flowers. I like the they creep a lot? As in...take over the garden? How tall do they grow?
