Friday, May 4, 2012

Promising Blooms.......

Where there are buds there usually will be blooms.  We were foggy today and our ground is very wet so they should be able to bloom readily.

This rose has small little flowers on it and as you can see they are about to open.  The warm March really did help this one rose to develop quickly.  It has a dozen of buds on it.

This wild rose comes into bloom quickly and goes out of bloom just as fast.  There are buds still on it's branches so it should be blooming for at least another week. I have a lot of iris buds ready to bloom but I don't have photos today.

I am subbing for the shop teacher again today.  We may end up inside the high school building whcih is air conditioned and have study hall, as it is hot out in the shop today.  I can take them to the computer lab to hang our if I need to keep myself and others from perishing.

Thanks for stopping by my post today.


  1. Your flowers are looking good,hope you have a great day.

  2. Love all the little alliums with the shrub. More flowers coming!

  3. beautiful roses..and look at all the buds:)
