Saturday, May 5, 2012

A Dandy of a Day...........

It is Saturday and our weather isn't looking good at this point.  High humidity, high temps, and there is wind added to the mix.  The wind will help to spread the seeds of the dandelion.

The allium really like this spot as it is spreading out into my lawn.  I hope to dig and move them today so they can start being a great spot of color somewhere else.

Here is another shot of the clematis on my gate roof.  My purple clematis is a smaller variety than this one and it is loaded with buds.  I keep wondering when they will start to bloom.

Plans for the day include taking the neighbor lady on a shopping spree at a couple of lumber supply stores.  She is refurbishing her living room and she needs things.  We will be looking around also. I  may look at plants but it is too early for me to start doing that kind of thing.  I will let the tomato plants grow at the store in their created climates and then I will bring them home in another few weeks.

I should mow this afternoon when we get back.  I still have a section of my orchard that hasn't been mowed.  I may have to address that today as well as the front and side yards.

 I do have a rosebush blooming and a different iris is in bloom so I will have to take the camera out for a shoot.  Resting will be a good part of my day as my school job has been wearing me down.  I think my last day of school will be the 23rd.  What happens to me after that is left to be seen.  I will let you know. Life without school will be good.

Thanks for stopping by my post.  Have a good day.

1 comment:

  1. You sound very brave leaving those tomato plants in the store! I visited a small in the parking lot greenhouse..the plants were full of Fungus Gnats..uffda.
    I bet you are looking forward to some free time after working all year:)
