Sunday, May 6, 2012

Sunday's Blooms.......

The pink wiegela keeps putting out great blooms.  The bush has grown so large that it is banging its branches against a window every time the wind blows.

This is the iris that my parents had planted on the south side of their garage.  I moved it up here and it seems to be a very hearty iris.  I don't know it's history as they moved from one property to their last property and they could have moved it with them. 

This is my favorite iris in the bunch out there. I like it's light purple almost blue color.  It is doing so well right now but we just had a downpour rain. I am sure it took some damage.  I have a few cemetery iris yet to bloom and the one very dark one that blooms wonderful flowers. I also have a red brown iris that is going to bloom in the next couple of days.

Monday is coming.  I will be back at school tomorrow. I spent two hours mowing on Saturday and did not get done. I spent half the time, changing oil, cleaning up the air filter, cleaning the spark plug and finally messed with a failing cable that allows the mower to run. The mower kept dying and I would fix the next thing thinking I could keep it running. I want to throw that old mower away but won't probably until the end of the season.  There is a functioning mower behind all that stalling of the machine.  I will just keep messing with it to keep it working.

Thanks for stopping by my post today.


  1. What a lot of work mowers are. We used to have a push mower and regret getting rid of it. Apart from not needing any mechanical input or petrol, it made a much gentler sound than the engine variety.

  2. What beautiful Iris..I so enjoyed them! Maybe you should take out a loan and get a new mower..just an idea!:)
