Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Wednesday's Wanderings........

The wanderings are not going to take you too far today.  I have this area cleaned out from the major weeds and the evidence of some bad things are still growing where the grass is suppose to grow.  My angel guy just doesn't care about any of it and he expresses it to me.

It is a busy day today so I created a short wandering today.  This is one of my newest hosta that I have had a couple of years.  I just moved it out from under a redtwig dogwood and moved it out into the sunlight. It is doing well in two different locations.  The winds of the past month has really dried out the ground and we are said to be in a drought right now.  A scattering of rains may be coming the next few days and the hostas will be glad to get some moisture.

It's the last day of school for me today.  I will be helping put away the high school's individual laptops that they carried all year.  There should be the handling of over two hundred computers in bags place on shelves.  I will be helping with that task.  Have a good day.  Thanks for stopping by my post.

Thanks for stopping by here.


  1. You are right about angel guy and his expression.
    Happy last day of school to you.

  2. Beautiful hostas! And I love the header!

  3. Bet you're glad the holidays are here! You are so lucky to be able to grow hostas like that. I've given up, because we have such trouble with snails. All our wet weather gives them plenty of slippy surfaces to glide on.
