Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Tuesday's Things

Our adult pair of cardinals succeeded in hatching and raising three young ones. One male and two female.  They are on their own now and they keep returning to the feeder where their parents had introduced them to sunflower seeds.  It will be interesting to see if they find a territory near here or go off to another farther away territory to start their families next year.

I had a couple who deeded a lot of their old things to me.  They thought it was old junk and I have a lot of neat antiques.  The John and Iva connection is connected to this item.  John had an older brother and I went to an auction of his and found a couple of boxes of pure junk.  I got them for a quarter back then and this glass dish was in one of the boxes. This glass dish has an almost cartoon-like head on it.  I am sure that as it was cast that the size and shapes had to be large enough for the casting to take place.

I thought that I would do these anymore but my wife and I pulled of the next school's class composite for them.

We had it done before graduation this year.  We did have to scramble for a couple of photos but were finished by Saturday morning before the Sunday graduation.

It is Tuesday and I will be subbing in the middle school math classroom.  All the kids with good citizenship will be on a field trip to Adventureland.  The rest of those who had a lot of tardies, behavioral referrals or were bad for some other reason will be staying in the classrooms today.  It is not my favorite duty but it is the second to the last day of school.

Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. I enjoyed seeing your Cardinal photo and that glass duck is cute as can be. You and your wife did a good job on the composite. I imagine both you and the kids are anxious for school to end for the year.

  2. Young cardinals. That's great. I love cardinals in general.
    You did a good job on the senior photo display.

  3. You had Cardinal babies how lucky are you! I am very jealous!:)
