Saturday, June 2, 2012

Asiatic Lily Season.....

My next set of flowers to bloom are these Asiatic Lilies.   I have a couple of varieties that bloom at different times so this season should last most of the month.  I have noticed that the hostas are starting to put out buds. 

The pin oak shed it's last year's leaves and now  has a nice new set of leaves.  They are a slow growing tree.  I have one that sits in the sun that is growing faster.

My two buddies back again this year.  I had stuffed them in a shelf and discovered they needed to go outside.   Our light rain has sure perked up all of the plants in the garden.  The grass is coming back from the long dry spell, but it doesn't look like it is going to gain much from our light rain.  I won't have to mow again for another week by the way the grass looks.  Some of it is still brown.

My creeping bluebell has perked up from our two days of light rain.  I don't think that we received more than an inch but it did make a big difference in the looks of the garden flowers.

I am having a day of rest today on Saturday.  I put in two ten hour days the last two days and it did make me tired.  My work schedule of six to two is taking a toll on all of us including the dogs.  It is nice to be off at two in the afternoon but the body doesn't like the two hour change of the start of the day.  I did a lot of physical labor the past two days, stripping wax from floors with coats of liquid materials and then machines to remove it from the floor. 

It is too cold to really work outside this morning but I may take a walk to see if the zinnias have come up and if the raspberries are needing to be picked.  I have a few volunteer trees that need to be snipped out but that may wait for another day.  Thanks for stopping by my post today.


  1. Happy you can rest some today. It is much cooler here today with low humidity - a rare treasure for us! We would be glad to get some rain, also. We still have to water the new sod occasionally. Your Asiatic lilies are so bright and cheerful. Enjoy the day.

  2. Good crop of bluebells! I love the color of your Lily..excellent photo! :)
