Friday, June 1, 2012

Friday is Fine.......

We have had two days of gentle rain.  It doesn't add up to large amounts but it did a lot of good for all the plants and grass. All of my hostas are big this year. I need to divide some of them. If you all lived closer I would share some of them.

The day was long yesterday as I stayed and worked on a floor that need extra work.  We will hit the other bathroom today and get it ready for the installation of new everything.

I wish you all a good weekend to come.  Thanks for stopping by my post today.


  1. The hosta is gorgeous. We had a couple of diff. varieties at the old house and I miss them. It was always quite a chore to divide them. The plants can be really heavy when they grow so large.

  2. That is a nice one that helps perk up a shady area! :)
