Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Bee Balmy Day........

Monarda is doing well but the breeze keep me from catching a set of still blooms.  I like how all the horizontal leaves seem to be all aligned the same.

I purchased an herb, unknown, which has taken over a large  part of my garden in the orchard area.  It is a great smelling herb and I want to think it is rosemary or oregano.  What do I know about herbs?  Nothing.........

I am keeping up my blogging but my reading of other blogs just isn't happening.  I will try to catch up sometime soon.  Sorry to be so busy and not be able to keep up.

Thanks for stopping by.   I have spent the entire two days working with a square srubber polishing terrazzo floors in bathrooms.

1 comment:

  1. I know very little about herbs either..but it looks like spearmint to me. I planted it once and it spread all over. Stay cool! :)
