Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Wednesday's Wave of Heat........

We are melting away.. just like the wicked witch in Oz.   We are promised 100 degrees today with the wind from the south.  I watered all the pots of plants on the porches and put some more moisture on the squash plants and tomatoes. 

The bugs and the drought won as the few remaining raspberries were filled with black bugs and the the heat caused most of the berry clusters to shrivel up and die.  I noticed today that the same daylily that I photographed two days has shriveled up from the heat and dryness.  I still haven't planted the flowers that we bought for our one planter.  I plan to bring them in to keep in the house so they won't be dead before I plant them.

What is unbelievable is that the corn is now tall and tasseling in the farm fields near us.  It was planted early and has matured early.  We don't have forest fires here not the floods as in Florida so we really are in great shape compare to that.

When work gets out at two I will be glad that we go in early in the morning.  I am tired of working in bathrooms and shower rooms. A couple of the bathrooms seem to be ready to be restored with the facilities and partitions. New lighting and plumbing for the sinks will be included. 

The fancy lily with frilly edges is blooming.  A close up shows that it is bruised from the heat and wind.  It is a beautiful lily and I hope that the buds slow down with their blooming so a rain could help them.

Thanks for stopping by today.  


  1. Your Lily is still pretty..I heard that in Nebraska they are harvesting small grains..early..must be the weather. Stay cool:)

  2. What pretty coneflowers and daylily. We are so hot and dry also and no rain is in the forecast. We continue to water the sod late in the evenings in the shade. Makes you wonder what July and Aug. will be like.
    Hope you can get some rest this afternoon. Take care.

  3. Larry, that heat wave will be coming at us in full force within the next 48 hours. The past couple of days have been great with AC and fans off and windows open and all that will change. We will get temps in the high 90s with heat indices of 100+. Hope you take some time to relax after all that work and certainly blog reading comes whenever you have time. I too fall behind and know what you mean.

  4. Larry,
    Is see by way of the weather channel that the heat wave you guys are suffering through is slowly creeping this way and I fear soon we will be chatting on common weather topics. As you water your plant do not forget to keep “yourself” well hydrated. – gary
