Saturday, June 23, 2012

Checking in on Saturday...........

I really love the colors of this common lily.  They can be seen all over Iowa along ditches where homesteads use to be as well as in many yards yet today.  Invasive is a mild word for this plant but the blooms are still wonderful.

Last night we met up with one of my wife's internet friends who is here with her husband to do the Artfest of Iowa.  We ate at the Flying Mango and it was a lot of fun.  Good food, good friends that we see once a year at the show and a fun place to eat.

Today we will go down to see the two art shows in Des Moines.  The one show is outside in the downtown area and the other is in a wonderful building at the State Fair grounds.  In the afternoon one of my teacher friends has a daughter getting married.  That will be fun to attend.  I watched Catilin grow up from a little girl and her husband to be was also one of my former students.

I will pick raspberries before the rain that is coming this  morning and I will not finish mowing the lawn as we still have a drought like condition and the grass is growing slow.  The rain will wash out the downtown show temporarily but it should be up and running this afternoon.

Have a great weekend.  Thanks for stopping in to my post.


  1. That is a pretty lily. Such a cherry color along those roads.
    Sounds like you have a fun summer day in store.

  2. Yesterday we got the rain you need, Larry. SOmetimes wish our lawn could go more than a week between cuttings, but those greedn weeds seem to grow faster with this heatwave that's been here the past few days!

  3. Love the photo of the bright orange lilies. Sounds like a fun day.
