Sunday, June 24, 2012

Sunday's Post.......

My plants in pots are really slow this year.  I do have these petunias doing well but the rest seem stunted and slow to grow.  I will fertilize the next time I water to see if I can bring them back.

We had a great time at the wedding last night and are having company in the afternoon after church and Sunday school.  Have a good day and thanks for stopping by my blog today.


  1. Very striking color of petunia! Glad you had a nice time at the wedding and hope your and your guests have a great afternoon.

  2. I had a planter of them just up and die on me. Can you over water them? That may have happened.
    Glad you are having a good Sunday!

  3. Pretty petunias! A wedding what fun..hope you have a good week at work:)
